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Homepage – Owners

05/11/2019 by admin

How Flat in Porto works

We attend to guests and tenants requests; clean your property throroughly and see to it that it is best kept for years to come.

Guest & Tenant Support

We speak English, French, Spanish, german and Portguese and are in contact with guests and tenants from the beginning to the end of the stay.

Perfect Cleaning and Maintenance

A commited team cleans after guests check-out. On a bi-monthly basis we do a deep cleaning of all the property. We tackle also drainage sewer to garantee a clog free home.

Administrative Tasks Solved

Travel to your favorite places and save money by renting affordable accommodation. Use your savings to buy more gifts for you.

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Guest & Tenant Support

We speak English, French, Spanish, german and Portguese and are in contact with guests and tenants from the beginning to the end of the stay.